Beginners Guide To Juice Cleansing

The unhealthy food habits and the environmental condition of today expose humans to a lot of pollutants. These pollutants can toxify the body and make it vulnerable to several diseases. They can make you weak, sick, unfocused, and become reason for several other problems.

Fortunately, all these can be avoided with a little alteration in your diet or in simpler words by using a detox diet. The following guide will introduce you to one of the most potent detox diets that you can use the juice cleansing. It will also tell you about its benefits, implementation, and other similar aspects that you would want to know before implementing the diet.

What Is Juice Cleansing?

Juice cleansing is a type of fasting in which you have to give up eating solid foods and live on liquids. The person can consume only fruit and vegetables during this diet. These juices may contain some particles of pulp, but nothing more than that. You are also not allowed to use any external sweetener or additive in the liquid, not even a spoon of sugar.

The main motive of this diet is to restore the body’s chemical balance and give it some relief from the digestion process. It also balanced the digestive juices, which boost the metabolism of your body. Hence, your body starts to process the fats at a faster rate, which helps to balance weight. You can also use it to deal with obesity issues.

Apart from the obvious issue, this diet is also known for its cleansing effect. The juice contains chemicals that help your body to push out the toxins, making it much healthier. Not to mention, the rich nutrients of these juices also enhance your skin and combat the signs of aging.

Benefits Of Juice Cleansing

Although juice cleansing is a considerable diet plan for removing toxins from the body, it does have other benefits. Here’s a list.

Make Kidneys Healthy: During the juice cleansing diet, you only external nutrient source will be the juices. It means that you will be consuming more fluids than you normally do. These fluids will help to keep the body hydrated and detoxify your kidneys. It can come in handy for eliminating the risk of many kidney-related diseases, including kidney failure.

Supports Immunity: While you are in cleansing state of the juice diet, the body goes to a fasting state. Here, it starts to deplete the glycogen stores to keep the body healthy. The biochemical process used for this depletion has a strong healing effect on the body. It strengthens the immune system. The juice diet also promotes the body to get rid of the damaged cells and produce new ones to compensate for them. Both these factors make your immune more active and stronger than it was before.

Promotes Probiotics: Most of the juices that you drink during the juice cleansing diet will have a rich content of fermentable fibers. These fibers improved the microbiome of the guts, which in turn increase the quantity and quality of the gut bacteria. After the diet, you will notice a boost in metabolism, along with much lower risk of gut diseases.

Weight Loss: Although the fruits and vegetable juices contain a rich nutrient, a considerable part of them is pure fluid. This fluid makes you feel full without adding calories to your body. As a result, you unknowingly decrease the calorie intake. As a result, the body starts to use its stored fats, and your weight begins to decline.

Phases Of Juice Cleansing Diet

Unlike other diets, juice cleansing involves leaving all kinds of solid foods. It’s a considerably large nutritional and food intake transaction for your body and will need a bit of preparation both before and after the fast. Therefore, your juice cleansing diet will include three phases.

  1. Preparation: This is the first stage of juice cleansing, which will start approximately 2-3 days before you start the juice fast. In this phase, you have to decrease the amount of food you eat and replace the heavy items like meats with vegetables. You may also start to drink juices along with food to balance your diet. These changes will ensure that the body is ready for the fast and can transit from solid food to juice without getting sick.  
  2. Cleansing: At this stage, you have to replace all your solid eatables with juices. It will involve a bit of planning on which vegetables or fruits you will use and the time to drink the fluids. Here., you will need a bit of professional assistance as the juice diet chart you prepare here will have a direct effect on health. Apart from the juices, you may also need to plan for activities like massages, sleep patterns, and more, which will boost the detoxification effect. 
  3. After Fast: After you have successfully completed your fast, it’s time to get back on solid food. However, by this time, your metabolism and the digestive system adjust to the juice diet, and shifting it back in one go will be difficult. It will cause several issues like stomach pain, gastrointestinal tract inflammation, and uneven excrete. Therefore, you have to make sure not to eat high-nutrients solid on the very first day. It’s like reversing the changes in the first step. You will start with light vegetables, fruits or nits and then move to the other eatables.  

Side Effect Possibilities

Juice cleansing is a complicated and very challenging diet. It may be useful, but it does have some rare side-effects like the few mentioned below.

  • Instability in blood sugar levels
  • Food-related allergies due to unpasteurized juices
  • Oxalate poisoning due to missing Oxalate content in food
  • Prolonged juice cleansing diet can lead to weakness and digestive system issues

Who Should Not Do It?

Leaving the solid food and living on juice interrupts the natural balance of your body. It is quite safe but will not work for everyone. So, if you are pregnant, or perform athletic activities, avoid this diet. It is also not ideal for elderly people or those suffering from any kind of deficiency. As a precaution, it is also ideal that those of you who are under 18 should not get indulged with juice cleansing. It can cut off some essential nutrients, including proteins that you will need during your developing years.

The juice cleansing sure has some cons and risks, but they usually occur only if you don’t pay attention to the details. You have minimal chances of them if you can balance your diet and keep the body nutrients balanced. Thanks to the above post, you have an idea of the details and knowledge to get the most out of them. Use these details, and you will be fine.